We are pleased to announce that Lazola B Nxele from LBN Hygiene placed in the top 5, under the category of existing entrepreneurs on the 25th June 2014. LBN hygiene manufactures their own cleaning detergents and offers a range of services. The workshop was filled with interesting presentations from esteemed business owners in the Bay. A range of topics was covered from finding a suitable name for y our business to marketing. After the workshop potential contestants were asked to fill in their entries. Dragon’s Den judges were busy selected the finalists for the competition.
The competition was held to boost start up entrepreneurship in the Eastern Cape. Sponsors and visitors were invited from all over to add value to the aspiring SMEs through a day long workshop on the 25th and the Dragons Den competition on the 26th June. Last years event saw over 850 attendees with this years’ event raking in about 150 attendees. There were a number of expressions of interest for the Chemistry incubator by the contestants.
The top 5 received a Goodie bag from Vodacom, which included a phone and other great prizes. The contestants then had to prepare a ‘pitch’ to the Dragons Den on 26 June 2014. Lazola was placed in the top 2. Final results will only be available next week.
We are incredibly proud of our incubatees who attended but did get placed in the co mpetition. It takes a lot of courage for these young SMEs to put their ideas out there, and it definitely paid off for Lazola.